Spatially, the meter itself is based upon the base 10 system in regards to the size of the Earth. It is defined as one ten-millionth of the

The Primary Colors of Phi
Following a series of refraction experiments which uncover phi proportions managing the laws of additive and subtractive color logic, the wa

A Hint of Rational Unity Among Irrational Constants
The voice of our collective past is becoming louder and more defined. Our systems of weights and measures inherited from time immemorial...

The Great Pyramid of Giza - Temple of Constants
The Great Pyramid of Giza is the single most awe inspiring terrestrial achievement of mankind. It has inspired the great questions upon...

Spherical Refraction - The Magnetic Relationship Between Light and the Universal Shape
A principle question that arises in the study of geometry and the study of light concerns the behavior of light upon the sphere. The...

Light & Color Theory of the Magnetic Spectrum
We live in a day and age of interesting contrasts. We are surrounded by incredibly high technology, yet most do not comprehend how it...

(Originally Published on facebook in June 2015) I have often been asked to provide further insight and explanation into my work regarding...